餐飲集團品牌Woolly Pig創辦人夫婦,分享背後的創作旅途

鄰近風景如畫的海港、經全新打造的澳洲現代風格餐廳Hue坐落香港藝術博物館之內。整個空間都充分代表著Chris Woodyard和Bronwyn Cheung的巧妙設計,這對夫妻於2010年創立了自家餐飲集團Woolly Pig

Bronwyn說道:「這間餐廳與我們的根源互相呼應,融合了藝術、美食佳餚和生活風格。」這可追溯至他們在香港的第一間店:掛著羊毛豬畫作的熱門餐廳Madam Sixty Ate,以及其他五間同時營業的獨立餐廳,包括SoHo的Big Sur和海邊小餐館Bathers。每間餐廳雖各具特色,但依然同時散發著悠閒的澳洲風情,精緻迷人。

精通平衡生活和工作的二人育有兩名孩子,並相伴20年,一切也結緣於悉尼一間餐廳。曾為香港W酒店美食總監的Chris說: 「我們有兩個截然不同的角色。」更具創造力的Bronwyn較常主導概念構思方面的工作,Chris則負責公司的日常管理、設計與建築,甚至會計財政的範疇。


請瀏覽 woollypig.com.hk了解更多關於Woolly Pig Hong Kong的資訊。 

"We first met at a restaurant in Sydney – I went for a job interview where Bronwyn was a part time waitress; although I was not interested in the position but I took the role anyway. Originally this seemed a waste of time as she would not even talk to me. Two kids and twenty years later we are here in Hong Kong," says Chris.

Pictured are interiors of Hue.

"Hue (and Ink) at the Hong Kong Museum of Art is located along one of the most beautiful buildings on the Victoria Harbour. It’s a full circle story for us in terms of concept.  This restaurant echoes our original roots – the fusion of art, food and lifestyle. Working with talented Australian front of house and a great Australian chef who has just arrived in this busy city – hopefully we can be a signature modern Australia restaurant in Hong Kong," says Bronwyn.

Pictured are interiors of Hue.

"The Woolly Pig is a Mangalitsa – it is actually a special breed Hungarian pig it has a woolly coat and is bred for its delicious meat. We first had a Woolly Pig on our menu as a food dish, which inspired the painting that we have hanging at the reception at Madam Sixty Ate (our first restaurant in Wan Chai), it was a really cool painting which guests always had their photo taken. We decided to name our group after the painting that had intrigued so many people. Not many people really know about the Mangalista pig – it’s also a way for us to say that we don’t take ourselves so seriously – perhaps we can be a bit of a rare breed as well," says Chris.

Pictured is a dish at Hue.

"Both of our styles tend to be focusing on the big picture – having five independent restaurants running means that you often make decisions not on what is happening now but how it affects the future and the company. We also based a lot of our decision making on how it affects people especially our team. Our problem solving skills have definitely refined over the years. We do think it is important to inspire our staffs and help them improve to reach the next level. Teaching is an important part of the job, so as listening," says Bronwyn.

Pictured is the exterior of Big Sur.

"We have two very different roles with crossover on most aspects. Bronwyn tend to work more on the business concept and I will focus more on running the business. She is definitely the creative one, although sometimes she can tend to run without brakes. I am often just trying to keep up, and occasionally slow her down a little. Our kids would say we talk business way too much which we cannot blame them. Like most married couples she tends to win most disagreements and I save my myself for the big ones," says Chris.

Pictured are interiors of Big Sur.

"District Eight unveiling this March is a new European brassiere in Tsim Sha Tsui. It is exciting as we get to work with some of our favourite design suppliers again such as feathr.com and surrey ceramics," says Bronwyn.

Pictured is the bar at Big Sur.

"Another goal is also to provide more opportunities for our staff, working with the Hong Kong Museum of Art has been amazing, it has really shown us how great a larger partnership can be for all parties. If we can grow stronger with more venues it does mean the more options our staff to explore new locations, concepts and skill up in their own careers," says Bronwyn.

Pictured is the outdoor patio at Ink.

"Hospitality is a tough career – you have to have a special personality – ultimately it is about wanting to care and look after others; taking small pleasure in providing people with an experience," says Bronwyn.

Pictured is the exterior of Ink.

"Ultimately, we would also love to work with more entrepreneurs – maybe even work with boutique hotels, other bigger properties or Museums, in Hong Kong or beyond. Creating restaurants and brands is a combination of vision, hard work , time and money;  each one of ours has been a steep learning curve and we would like to share some of those experiences with people whether through hospitality teaching or even project work," says Bronwyn.

Pictured is a dish at Ink.


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