「紐」出超高效 森林快攻曼聯

Nottingham Forest's Portuguese manager Nuno Espirito Santo applauds at the end of the English Premier League football match between Newcastle United and Nottingham Forest at St James' Park in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, north east England on December 26, 2023. Nottingham Forest wins 3 - 1 against Newcastle United. (Photo by ANDY BUCHANAN / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE. No use with unauthorized audio, video, data, fixture lists, club/league logos or 'live' services. Online in-match use limited to 120 images. An additional 40 images may be used in extra time. No video emulation. Social media in-match use limited to 120 images. An additional 40 images may be used in extra time. No use in betting publications, games or single club/league/player publications. /  (Photo by ANDY BUCHANAN/AFP via Getty Images)
紐奴(Nuno Espirito Santo) (ANDY BUCHANAN via Getty Images)

【Now Sports】紐奴執掌諾定咸森林後,立即帶來了超高效率的快攻,非常銳利,成為周六英超迎戰曼聯的最強武器。諾定咸森林在頭18場英超合共只得12次快攻,但在作客紐卡素一役便有多達5次,包括炮製了頭兩個入球。艾蘭加、傑斯韋治、赫臣奧度爾速度極高,基斯活則在9號位作柱躉,4人表現出活力和智慧,配合得宜,一次又一次創造出極具破壞性的快攻。

快攻要有威脅,高質素持球突破是必須的。除了兩位來自大球會青年軍的快翼艾蘭加、赫臣奧度爾不時攻擊防線之外,10號位的傑斯韋治、中堅梅里路、艾拿也各有貢獻。在紐奴(Nuno Espirito Santo)上任後的兩場比賽,森林每場的整體成功盤球次數都比之前多,對紐卡素一役有13次,鬥般尼茅夫亦有11次。


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