【#商業熱話】調查:逾三分之一受訪員工害怕向上司透露他們使用AI工作 Survey reveals over one-third of surveyed employees are afraid to disclose their use of AI at work to their managers

Z世代的年輕人正積極追隨人工智能(AI)潮流,將這項技術應用於工作中,但他們卻不敢向上司分享這一點。市場推廣公司Advertising Week Europe委託Cint進行了一項調查,訪問了1000名英國受訪者,年齡介於16至79歲。調查顯示,不論年齡,超過三分之一的員工害怕向上司透露他們使用AI工作。



Advertising Week Europe環球主席Ruth Mortimer表示:「在經濟不穩定的情況下,人們害怕失去工作,因此要求使用AI來完成工作可能會讓人感到不知所措。儘管AI可以提高效率,但人們普遍認為AI更可能取代人類的工作,而不是增強他們。因此如果他們要求使用AI,員工會覺得自己可能因此失去工作。」


Gen Z workers are eagerly embracing AI technology to enhance their productivity in the workplace. However, they feel uncomfortable sharing this with their managers. A study conducted by Cint on behalf of an advertising service company, Advertising Week Europe surveyed 1,000 individuals in the UK, spanning ages 16 to 79. It revealed that over a third of employees, regardless of age, fear disclosing their use of AI at work to their managers.

This fear is particularly evident among the younger generation, with 42% of Gen Z and 40% of millennials are afraid to disclose their use of AI in the workplace to their supervisors. Among employees with over 15 years of work experience, 69% have not embraced AI technology. In contrast, among employees with less than 15 years of work experience, 62% have used AI before.

Employers in the tech and finance industries are more likely to have implemented AI in the workplace and are also more supportive in employees' usage. Conversely, industries such as medicine, education, retail, and hospitality are lagging behind in adopting AI.

Ruth Mortimer, the global president of Advertising Week Europe, stated "In an uncertain economy, where people already have a fear over losing their jobs, it can feel daunting to ask if you can use AI to complete your tasks. Whilst it can be hugely additive, often artificial intelligence has come with an association that it is likely to remove human jobs - rather than enhance them - so it can feel to workers that they may be talking themselves out of a role if they ask to use AI."

Instead of fearing being replaced by AI, let's approach this transformation with optimism and adapt to the opportunities brought forth by this new technology. Gen Z possesses abundant technological literacy, and AI is a tool that can enhance work efficiency and create more value. Managers need to demonstrate their understanding of AI and acknowledge the opportunities and challenges it presents. They also need to foster an open communication atmosphere with their teams, where employees feel comfortable discussing the applications of AI. It is through collective exploration and learning that we can stay competitive in this rapidly evolving world.


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