【江澤民逝世】回歸親筆提字「香港明天更好」 四度訪港曾與市民近距離見面

Chinese President Jiang Zemin (C) shares centre stage with Hong Kong Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa (R) and Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qiken during the finale of the official celebration ceremony at Hong Kong on July 1, 1997. Thousands of mainland Chinese dignitaries attended the celeration marking the return of Hong Kong to the Motherland. (Photo by Torsten BLACKWOOD / AFP) (Photo by TORSTEN BLACKWOOD/AFP via Getty Images)
1997 年 7 月 1 日,江澤民送贈親筆提字「香港明天更好」。 (TORSTEN BLACKWOOD via Getty Images)

前國家主席江澤民因白血病及多重器官衰竭,搶救無效,今日( 30 日)中午 12 時 13 分在上海病逝,終年 96 歲。香港與澳門的回歸正值在江澤民任內完成,香港回歸前夕,江澤民親筆為香港提字「香港明天更好」,至今歷任行政長官都將該幅提字置於禮賓府大廳。

回歸後,江澤民在特區成立慶典上,強調「一國兩制」、「港人治港」和「高度自治」維持 50 年不變,之後亦四度訪港,包括在 1997 年、1998 年、2001 年及 2002 年。


Perfomers hold up colored cards to form the new Hong Kong flag featuring the bauhinia flower, at the first dress rehearsal 20 June in Beijing for a gala performance and rally in honor of Hong Kong's return to Chinese rule.  Chinese President Jiang Zemin will attend the mass performance and rally in the evening of 01 July after returning from the handover ceremonies in Hong Kong.  AFP  PHOTO (Photo by STR / AFP) (Photo by STR/AFP via Getty Images)
回歸當日,表演者砌出香港區旗及「香港明天更美好」 (STR via Getty Images)
Some 18,000 people hold up placards to form a sign reading
回歸當日,超過18000人砌成「歡慶香港回歸」。 (ROBYN BECK via Getty Images)
President Jiang Zemin makes his address following the raising of the national flag of China in Hong Kong early 01 July at the Handover of sovereignty ceremony.    (Electronic Image)  AFP PHOTO   Torsten Blackwood (Photo credit should read TORSTEN BLACKWOOD/AFP via Getty Images)
江澤民在香港交接儀式上致辭。 (TORSTEN BLACKWOOD via Getty Images)
Chinese President Jiang Zemin addresses delegates following the raising of the Chinese and Hong Kong SAR flags during the handover ceremony at the Hong Kong Convention and Hexhibition Centre on July 1st, 1997. The event marks the end of 156 years of British colonial rule over the territory. (Photo by Torsten BLACKWOOD / AFP) (Photo by TORSTEN BLACKWOOD/AFP via Getty Images)
江澤民出席香港交接儀式。 (TORSTEN BLACKWOOD via Getty Images)




前國家主席江澤民逝世 終年96歲 患白血病及多重器官衰竭

亞視2011年誤報死訊 中聯辦狠批違反新聞職業操守

訓斥香港記者 「too simple! sometimes naive!」成經典名言

八九學運後獲元老支持 取代趙紫陽成總書記 任內深化市場經濟 死訊曾遭誤傳

回歸親筆提字「香港明天更好」 四度訪港曾與市民近距離見面

港府及多間港媒官網 淘寶均轉黑白頁面

中國網絡「膜蛤文化」一度大行其道 怒罵記者片段變惡搞素材 「too simple」等詞成另類潮語