
PARIS, FRANCE - MARCH 04: Kylian Mbappe of Paris Saint Germain attempts a kick for score his goal during the Ligue 1 match between Paris Saint-Germain and FC Nantes at Parc des Princes on March 4, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Antonio Borga/Eurasia Sport Images/Getty Images)
安巴比(Kylian Mbappe) (Eurasia Sport Images via Getty Images)

【Now Sports】法甲巴黎聖日耳門周六晚於主場贏南特4:2,其中安巴比在補時「埋齋」,以201球成為巴黎聖日耳門史上入球最多的球員。24歲的安巴比在2017年加盟PSG,為這支首都球會上陣僅247場,就創下入球紀錄。而全取3分的巴黎聖日耳門26戰得63分獨佔鰲頭,暫時拉開與次席馬賽的差距至11分。